State of the District Recording available
The recording of the State of the District presentation by Superintendent Dr. Adam Fineske and Interim Treasurer Mr. Cajon Keeton, along with student speakers Ali Sediqe, Nadia Clarke, and Jo Mullen, and audience Q & A is now available.
We encourage all parents and community members to watch the presentation, that includes important information on the proposed operating budgets for the 2023-2024 school year. If Ottawa Hills voters approve the levy requested on the March 19 ballot, the district will be able to maintain current levels of services to students. If the levy is not approved this March, or is approved on a later ballot, the district will be eliminating $1.5 million from the operating budget for next school year. The recording can be viewed here. The presentation slideshow can be viewed here. Next week we will share an updated FAQ on district finances in the Friday Weekly District Newsletter.