Happy Homecoming! Sophomore class officers worked hard with advisor Mrs. Puskala to make Hoco a special week for all. Congratulations to our Homecoming Court candidates: Lena Bazzoli, Caroline Durfee, Lily Berenzweig, Molly Rybarczyk, Peyton Lorenzen. The football game starts at 7 p.m. Good luck to our varsity players! |
Happy Homecoming! Sophomore class officers worked hard with advisor Mrs. Puskala to make Hoco a special week for all. Congratulations to our Homecoming Court candidates: Lena Bazzoli, Caroline Durfee, Lily Berenzweig, Molly Rybarczyk, Peyton Lorenzen. The football game starts at 7 p.m. Good luck to our varsity players! |
Parade tonight! The annual Celebration of Village Life Parade is tonight, kicking off at 5 p.m. from the elementary parking lot. Please note that only parade vehicles will be allowed in the elementary lot after 4 p.m. |
Parade tonight! The annual Celebration of Village Life Parade is tonight, kicking off at 5 p.m. from the elementary parking lot. Please note that only parade vehicles will be allowed in the elementary lot after 4 p.m. |
| $aving on fees The district recently completed a RFP for banking services. After meeting and discussing proposals with various banking institutions, we have accepted a proposal from Signature Bank. The district will see $14K in annual savings compared to last year as a result of this change. In case you missed it last week, Treasurer/CFO Mr. Siloy has created a video series called Green Bear Finance to provide a basic overview of OHLS finances. The first episode reviews funds in a school district and later episodes will cover general fund revenue sources, real estate taxes, state funding, and much more. Any questions can be emailed directly to Mr. Siloy at tsiloy@ohschools.org. |
$aving on fees The district recently completed a RFP for banking services. After meeting and discussing proposals with various banking institutions, we have accepted a proposal from Signature Bank. The district will see $14K in annual savings compared to last year as a result of this change. In case you missed it last week, Treasurer/CFO Mr. Siloy has created a video series called Green Bear Finance to provide a basic overview of OHLS finances. The first episode reviews funds in a school district and later episodes will cover general fund revenue sources, real estate taxes, state funding, and much more. Any questions can be emailed directly to Mr. Siloy at tsiloy@ohschools.org. |
| Swinging to States The team is state bound after capturing the district title by six strokes over St. Marys Memorial. The team is headed to the OHSAA State Championships Oct. 13-14 at Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio! |
Swinging to States The team is state bound after capturing the district title by six strokes over St. Marys Memorial. The team is headed to the OHSAA State Championships Oct. 13-14 at Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio! |
| 5 tennis players headed to districts Congratulations to our girls' tennis players heading to districts: Caroline Durfee (singles), Taylor Kayse and Bryn Tangeman (doubles), and Hannah Chernow and Olivia Stumbo (doubles). |
5 tennis players headed to districts Congratulations to our girls' tennis players heading to districts: Caroline Durfee (singles), Taylor Kayse and Bryn Tangeman (doubles), and Hannah Chernow and Olivia Stumbo (doubles). |
| Soccer teams clinch championships The big week in Green Bear sports continued with both the boys' and girls' soccer teams clinching the TAAC Championship title. Congratulations players and coaches!
Soccer teams clinch championships The big week in Green Bear sports continued with both the boys' and girls' soccer teams clinching the TAAC Championship title. Congratulations players and coaches!
| Volleyball vanquishes rivals to claim TAAC Dressed in pink for their Volley for the Cure game, the volleyball team was able to vanquish their rivals and secure the TAAC Championship. Congratulations girls and coaches, way to go! |
Volleyball vanquishes rivals to claim TAAC Dressed in pink for their Volley for the Cure game, the volleyball team was able to vanquish their rivals and secure the TAAC Championship. Congratulations girls and coaches, way to go! |
| Agora is around the corner Agora is a longstanding tradition that occurs every-other-year at the junior/senior high school. Named for the Greek marketplace where people would meet to exchange goods and ideas, Agora has always existed to provide a forum for students to experience ideas outside the traditional classroom. During Agora week, students are afforded opportunities to travel domestically and internationally on educational faculty-led trips or participate in experiences that expand the depth and breadth of learning on and near our campus. |
Agora is around the corner Agora is a longstanding tradition that occurs every-other-year at the junior/senior high school. Named for the Greek marketplace where people would meet to exchange goods and ideas, Agora has always existed to provide a forum for students to experience ideas outside the traditional classroom. During Agora week, students are afforded opportunities to travel domestically and internationally on educational faculty-led trips or participate in experiences that expand the depth and breadth of learning on and near our campus. |
| Reminder: No school Oct. 24 & 25 A reminder that parent-teacher conferences will take place on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 24 and 25. There is no school for students either day. |
Reminder: No school Oct. 24 & 25 A reminder that parent-teacher conferences will take place on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 24 and 25. There is no school for students either day. |
| Coffee Conversations Staying connected with our community is a key priority for the district. We want to keep you informed about what's happening in our schools and, most importantly, we want to hear from you! We invite all Villagers and members of the OHLS district community to join the Superintendent and Treasurer/CFO for Coffee Conversations on Oct. 18, Jan. 10, April 11, and May 16, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the Village Green district office conference room. |
Coffee Conversations Staying connected with our community is a key priority for the district. We want to keep you informed about what's happening in our schools and, most importantly, we want to hear from you! We invite all Villagers and members of the OHLS district community to join the Superintendent and Treasurer/CFO for Coffee Conversations on Oct. 18, Jan. 10, April 11, and May 16, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the Village Green district office conference room. |
Upcoming events: - Friday, Oct. 4: Village Life Parade 5 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 4: Homecoming football game 7 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 10: OHSPA meeting 8:15 a.m. OHES community room
- Monday, Oct. 14: OHES Night at the Museum 6 p.m.
- Monday, Oct. 14: This is OH meeting 6 p.m. The Foundry
- Tuesday, Oct. 15: OHMTA meeting 7 p.m. JHHS room 123
- Wednesday, Oct. 16: Board of Education meeting 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 20: Fall Collage Concert 7 p.m. JHHS auditorium
- Thursday-Friday, Oct. 24-25: No School. Parent-Teacher conferences
- Tuesday, Oct. 29: JHHS Piano Recital 7 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 31: OHES students released for lunch 11 a.m. and return for the Halloween Parade 12:30 p.m.
- Friday, Nov. 1: Late Start. School begins at 10 a.m.
- Tuesday, Nov. 5: No school for students. Professional development day.
Upcoming events: - Friday, Oct. 4: Village Life Parade 5 p.m.
- Friday, Oct. 4: Homecoming football game 7 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 10: OHSPA meeting 8:15 a.m. OHES community room
- Monday, Oct. 14: OHES Night at the Museum 6 p.m.
- Monday, Oct. 14: This is OH meeting 6 p.m. The Foundry
- Tuesday, Oct. 15: OHMTA meeting 7 p.m. JHHS room 123
- Wednesday, Oct. 16: Board of Education meeting 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 20: Fall Collage Concert 7 p.m. JHHS auditorium
- Thursday-Friday, Oct. 24-25: No School. Parent-Teacher conferences
- Tuesday, Oct. 29: JHHS Piano Recital 7 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 31: OHES students released for lunch 11 a.m. and return for the Halloween Parade 12:30 p.m.
- Friday, Nov. 1: Late Start. School begins at 10 a.m.
- Tuesday, Nov. 5: No school for students. Professional development day.
Follow and connect with the district on our Facebook, Instagram, and Green Bear Athletics X social media accounts. |
Follow and connect with the district on our Facebook, Instagram, and Green Bear Athletics X social media accounts. |
Copyright © 2024 OHLS, All rights reserved. Ottawa Hills Local Schools 4035 W. Central Ave. Ottawa Hills, OH 43606-2204 |
Copyright © 2024 OHLS, All rights reserved. Ottawa Hills Local Schools 4035 W. Central Ave. Ottawa Hills, OH 43606-2204 |
| DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT: In partnership with our community, Ottawa Hills Local Schools will inspire, challenge, and support each student to realize their unique and full potential; to embrace the joy of learning as a lifelong process; and to become an empathetic, responsible citizen.
DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT: In partnership with our community, Ottawa Hills Local Schools will inspire, challenge, and support each student to realize their unique and full potential; to embrace the joy of learning as a lifelong process; and to become an empathetic, responsible citizen.
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